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Women Power Forum 2023 | Making the Impossible Possible: Women Trailblazer

The Hong Kong Federation of Women organised the 3rd Women Power Forum, which took place at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium, graced by the presence of distinguished speakers and guests. With the theme of “Making the Impossible Possible: Women Trailblazer”, the forum highlighted the compelling influence that a feminine perspective offers across diverse arenas and disciplines through its advocacy of women's leadership.

As the long-term partner of Hong Kong Federation of Women, Occasions played a pivotal role in the curation of this esteemed affair and was tasked with the entire planning and organization of the event, from the brand identity, forum programme, marketing and sponsorship, speaker's invitation and hospitality, media relations management, design and production of marketing collaterals and event production. This year’s keynote speakers included Ms. Pansy Ho, Chairperson of the HKFW and Chairperson of the Women Power Forum, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of The United Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellency Madam Mariam Mwinyi, First Lady of Zanzibar, Ms. Mei Hing Chak, Vice Chairman of the China Women Entrepreneurs Association, and many more. 

As a result, over 200,000 online viewers from 10+ countries and regions such as China, Australia, Japan, Qatar, Singapore, Sweden, and Thailand watched the forum in real-time. The forum reached a wide audience, which included government officials, policy makers, business leaders, scholars, and leaders of non-profit, social, and youth organizations. 

The event was a resounding success, providing a platform for speakers to share their inspiring insights on how women can positively impact professional fields and contribute to high-quality development, as well as their own personal experiences and aspirations. Attendees were able to gain new takeaways on the power and potential of women in society, and the event's impact was felt far beyond its immediate audience. With Occasions' impeccable planning and execution, the forum demonstrated how engaging in productive conversations and working together can create positive change.

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