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30th Anniversary Celebration of French May Arts Festival Gala Dinner

French Garden themed Gala Dinner celebrating the 30th Anniversary of French May Arts Festival was a huge success with HK$12 million raised to support the art and cultural exchange of France and Hong Kong.

Over 200 guests were brought into a realm of unparalleled visual innovation and event creativity which created an unique and immersive atmosphere that would leave a lasting impression.

Hemmerle 130th Anniversary Private Viewing

Captivating jewellery was on display at Hemmerle‘s private viewing at Upper House for the brand’s 130th anniversary celebration. ​


Pottinger 22
Elegance Unleashed: Jin Yong's Wuxia Fashion Exhibition

Transforming Jin Yong’s classics into a platform for emerging Hong Kong designers at “Elegance Unleashed: Jin Yong‘s Wuxia Fashion Exhibition” 

MGM Lion Dance Championship 2024

The International Lion Dance Championship returned for its 11th edition at the historic Barra district in Macau, with Occasions providing public relations services as MGM's long-term brand consultant.