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Michelle Cheng featured in Cover Story of "China's Foreign Trade" - June 2023 Issue


In the fast-paced world of business, it takes exceptional leadership, vision, and innovation to stand out from the crowd. Our CEO, Michelle Cheng, embodies these qualities and more, as evidenced by her prominent feature in the cover story of "China's Foreign Trade (中国对外贸易)" June 2023 Issue.

As a visionary leader, Michelle has been instrumental in expanding our operations regionally, and our services have received wide acclaim in international markets. The cover story provides a comprehensive overview of Michelle's remarkable achievements, her valuable insights on her field of expertise, and her vision for Occasions' future growth.

Read the full article in "China's Foreign Trade" June 2023 Issue (in Chinese) below to learn more.




“要做好声誉管理,为品牌建立正面形象和品牌价值,我们需要透彻了解品牌 DNA,彼此信赖,方能建立长远合作模式。这些并非一朝一夕的简单工作,而是一场犹如马拉松式的耐力赛。”天机亚太集团合伙人兼首席执行官郑诗韵对公关行业有自己独特的理解。懂国际品牌,也懂中国文化。成立 35 年来,天机亚太集团从一个以香港为基地的独立公关公司发展成服务领域广泛、跨界整合且国际化的文化传播企业,并在北京、上海及澳门均设有分公司。

Projects Highlight
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Pottinger 22
A Path to Glory - Jin Yong's Centennial Memorial ​ 俠之大者–金庸百年誕辰紀念

“A Path to Glory – Jin Yong’s Centennial Memorial” encompassed culture, art, creativity, heritage, and education, and covered locations throughout Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories.  Spanning over six months, the event aimed to gather martial arts enthusiasts worldwide to relive the classics and pay tribute to the timeless legacy of Jin Yong. ​

MGM China
"Liu Ye: at High Peak" Exhibition

Introducing the "Liu Ye: at High Peak" Exhibition, a solo showcase in Macau featuring the highly sought-after Chinese contemporary artist, Liu Ye. 

MGM China
Fortune Brainstorm Design Conference at MGM Cotai

MGM and Fortune collaborated to introduce the international forum "Brainstorm Design" to Macau for the very first time at MGM Cotai.