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Park Nova

Park Nova, located on the prestigious Tomlinson Road, is an example of Shun Tak’s excellence as the residential development encompasses an intricate biophilic design philosophy, to adapt to Singapore’s tropical climate, amalgamated with essential elements of luxury living. 

Projects Highlight
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Pottinger 22
A Path to Glory - Jin Yong's Centennial Memorial ​ 俠之大者–金庸百年誕辰紀念

“A Path to Glory – Jin Yong’s Centennial Memorial” encompassed culture, art, creativity, heritage, and education, and covered locations throughout Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories.  Spanning over six months, the event aimed to gather martial arts enthusiasts worldwide to relive the classics and pay tribute to the timeless legacy of Jin Yong. ​

Hong Kong Federation of Women
Hong Kong Federation of Women 2024 Ceremony and Gala Dinner

The Hong Kong Federation of Women (HKFW) hosted a distinguished ceremony and gala dinner on 31 October to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, and to inaugurate new Honorary Presidents. 

Kai Tak Runway Development
Park Peninsula, a Brand New Comprehensive and Diversified Destination in Hong Kong

Situated on the former Kai Tak Airport runway, Park Peninsula aims to redefine urban living by seamlessly integrating diverse elements such as leisure, entertainment, sports, hotels, tourism, commercial spaces, and residential areas. The project is aligned with the government's "Energizing Kowloon East" initiative, which seeks to transform the district into a vibrant and dynamic hub.